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Which Animal Crossing Horse Villager Are You? This Quiz Will Say!

We all love our neigh-bors in Animal Crossing, regardless of their species. They’re adorable, quirky, and have some really funny dialogue sometimes. Have you ever wondered which one of them you’d be if you were in the game, or more specifically, which horse villager you’d be? Wonder no longer! We’ve made an Animal Crossing horse quiz that will let you know exactly which one you’d be– straight from the horse’s mouth!

Take the Animal Crossing horse quiz below to find out if you’re more of a cranky pony, or a smug stallion.

Which Animal Crossing Horse Villager Are You?

How easy do you find making friends? Very easy Not very easy If they're chill with similar interests, very easy I don't like other people It's easier to make work friends As long as they're open-minded, it's easy What color do you like best? Turquoise Blue Yellow Black Purple Pink What do you like to wear? Anything dark Cute dresses Comfy sweaters Anything with glitter Denim jackets Sporty clothes When do you get up? 10 AM With the sun 6 AM As late as I can 9 AM 7 AM Where would you like to travel? A tropical island Space Scotland Somewhere cold like Sweden To the fridge and back to bed New York City What is a hobby of yours? I'd try anything new Cross country running Astrology Playing the guitar Playing video games Fashion and make-up When do you go to bed? Whenever, I like to look at the stars Early because I love sleep 11 PM Midnight 3 AM 5 AM What do you like to eat? Fruit salad Ratatouille Filet mignon Healthy greens Anything spicy Chips What is a pet peeve of yours? Getting out of bed Everything Bad hair days Deciding anything Negativity Rudeness Where could one usually find you? At the racing track In bed Looking at the stars Anywhere people aren't The library The mall Continue Continue {{$resultPersonalities}} You are {{title}} {{#if image}} {{image}} {{/if}} {{content}} {{/resultPersonalities}} {{/global}} Share your result via Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn VK Email Play again
