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Star Wars Battlefront 2: Ending Explained, What Happened

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ending Explained, What Happened

Star Wars Battlefront 2 adds a brand-new story to the Star Wars universe, which mostly takes place between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. There’s some interesting bits of lore added in, and the ending of Battlefront 2 ties into The Force Awakens. We’ll help make clear exactly what happened. Of course, keep in mind we’ll be spoiling some major plot points of Star Wars Battlefront 2 and its ending, so if you haven’t actually beaten the campaign yet, you might want to turn away.

Final Warning For Spoilers!

The Mission on Pillio

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ending Explained

To understand the ending, it’s first important to talk about the mission on Pillio, the campaign mission that has you playing as Luke Skywalker. Luke is drawn to some kind of power on the planet Pillio, where he’s met by legions of Stormtroopers up to something. There’s also a hostile colony of bugs trying to fend off invaders. Luke meets Del Meeko of Inferno Squad on Pillio, who was sent to destroy a secret cache of the Emperor’s, and ends up saving his life. The two work together to survive the hostile planet, and Luke defends Del while he takes the Imperial base’s defenses offline.

The pair discovers the Emperor’s war cache, where Luke finds a mysterious device that he’s inexplicably drawn to. Although the game doesn’t explicitly say what this is, it’s presumably the map that leads Luke to the first Jedi temple on Ahch-To, where he’d later go into hiding. Del and Luke leave on amicable terms, and the event is what first causes Del to question his role with the Empire and what he’s doing.

The Battle of Jakku

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ending Explained

After joining the Rebel Alliance, Del and Iden undergo some important missions against the remnants of The Empire. During their mission on Sullust, Iden, Lando, and the others find out that the Imperial fleet is amassing on Jakku in order to launch an attack on the Rebel Alliance. The rebel fleet rallies and launches an all-out-attack on the remaining forces of the Empire. Iden and Del rush to the battle and take to the ground while a massive space battle wages overhead. The pair work on saving downed Rebel ships, until Iden detects Admiral Versio’s Star Destroyer. She fights her way onto the ship and tries to rescue her father, who refuses to leave saying he doesn’t deserve a better life, but she does.

Iden barely escapes and is found by Del in her escape pod sometime later. The pair embrace as they watch the last remnants of the Empire fall overhead. It should be noted that we hear reference of the Battle of Jakku in The Force Awakens and, of course, Jakku is the planet that Rey grew up on. This would mark the last dying breath of The Empire, although The First Order would still come around later.

Decades Later

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ending Explained

Decades after the Battle of Jakku, we’re taken back to Pillio for one final scene. Here, we see Kylo Ren traveling to the planet to interrogate a captured Del Meeko aboard the Corvus. Kylo Ren uses his powers to dive into Del’s mind, and destroy him from within. Kylo succeeds and ultimately learns the location of Lor San Tekka and the location of the Map to Skywalker. This is what we see happening at the beginning of The Force Awakens, so the event at the end of Battlefront II is the impetus for everything.

This ties into the earlier mission to Pillio, as the reason Del returned was in the hopes of meeting Luke Skywalker again. As this also ties into the Map to Skywalker, this is why we can presume the item Luke found earlier in the game was the map to the first Jedi temple.

It should also be noted that while Kylo is breaking Del we hear him say about Iden “You thought she changed you. You thought your daughter changed you.” This, of course, tells us that Del and Iden had a daughter, who’s identity we don’t know about. There’s a theory out there that says the daughter is actually Rey herself, but at this point there’s not much hard evidence to back it up, so take it with a grain of salt.

Kylo then tells a First Order officer to clean up the mess, who’s revealed to be none other than Hask, who Iden thought she killed at the Battle of Jakku. Del tells hask “Don’t pursue her. It won’t end well for you.” This is another line that could mean multiple things. Did he mean don’t pursue Iden, or maybe he meant his daughter is dangeroius? Hopefully we’ll find out with the story update coming soon.  Hask presumably kills Del, and as he’s leaving the Corvus he mentions something called Project Resurrection with Protectorate Gleb. As security for the project had been breached by Del finding out about it, they discuss moving the project to another planet named Athullaa. Both Project Resurrection and Athulla aren’t something we’ve heard in the Star Wars universe yet, so there’s no way to tell how they might be related to Battlefront 2 or the larger series, not yet at least. The door is left open when Hask says to leave the Corvus untouched, in hopes of luring Iden Versio.

We will be getting a story update on Dec. 13, so it remains to be seen how that will further develop the story of Star Wars Battlefront 2.
