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New Star Citizen Video Shows Esperia Prowler Alien Dropship and Mining Consumables

Today Cloud Imperium Games released another video of its upcoming space simulator Star Citizen, featuring upcoming content.

First and foremost (even if it’s actually later in the video), we get to take a look at the Esperia Prowler, built upon an alien dropship originally created by the Tevarin race. 

If you’re unfamiliar with it, below you can read an official description.

“Named after the UPE military designation, the Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin armored personnel carrier. Esperia’s astroengineers were given unmitigated access to study original versions of the ship recently discovered in the Kabal system to help meticulously reconstruct the vehicle.

Now, the Prowler is the perfect fusion of two cultures: the elegance and effectiveness of the Tevarin war machine combined with the reliability of modern Human technology.”

On top of the Prowler, we also take a look at the mining consumables that can be purchased in stores across the universe (the same where you can buy mining equipment) and used while you’re out hunting for rocks to alter the mining parameters. 

In other Star Citizen news, the crowdfunding total has passed $272 million, and it’s already close to 273.

To be more precise, it’s at $272,703,813 at the moment of this writing. The number of registered accounts is 2,543,887 registered accounts. 

As usual, it’s known that not all of them are paying players. The number includes free accounts created for a variety of reasons.

If you want to learn more about Star Citizen, you can read our latest interview focusing on the Cutlass Red and medical gameplay. You can also take a look at a recent trailer for the game’s single-player component, Squadron 42, which was released on Christmas.

For the sake of full disclosure, the author of this article has been a Star Citizen backer since the original Kickstarter campaign several years ago
