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Neko Atsume: How to Get More Silver and Gold Fish

In Neko Atsume, the in-game currency is, of course, fish. Of course. There are two different kinds of fish to make purchases: Silver Fish and Gold Fish. Silver is the much more abundant type and is used in greater quantities for many purchases in the shop. Gold is a lot rarer and harder to get, but it does unfortunately mean way better items for your Yard. There are numerous ways to get fish in the game.

Cats Cats Cats Cats

When you have cats that stay over to play or interact with the different goodies you lay about, they will leave fish as a form of thank you. Very generous, right? The more cats that visit, the more fish you’ll get. These will all be found in your Gifts section under the Menu, and you’ll need to check back often to make sure you don’t exceed the 100 gift maximum. Yes, the cats can even sometimes leave Gold Fish. It’s a bit of a Catch-22 that you need to buy goodies to attract cats and get fish, but you need fish in the first place to buy goodies.

Exchange Fish

If you have a certain type of fish to spare and want the other, you can always exchange your fish. Tap on the Menu and go to the Shop. Once there, swipe until you see the above screen. The exchange rate is really bad, but hey, you won’t be paying real money to get some fish. Just using your other, hard-earned fish. It’s a nice feature that will save you some dough. For 10 Gold Fish, you can get 250 Silver Fish, and for 500 Silver Fish, you can get 10 Gold Fish.

Daily Password

This way doesn’t ensure a ton of fish, but it’s a nice little bonus that’s easy to get. All you have to do is tap the Menu, hit the News icon, and take note of the “Daily Password.” Then, go back to the Menu, hit Other, tap Connect, and Input Password. All you have to do is enjoy your small bonus of silver and gold fish.

Pay to Win

If all else fails and you’re feeling the greed, head over to the Shop and hit that Buy Gold Fish icon at the top. You can spend real world money on this ridiculous Neko Atsume currency. $0.99 will get you 50, $1.99 equals 120, $2.99 is 200, and $3.99 is a whopping 300 Gold Fish. Go nuts, big spender.
