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Majora’s Mask 3D Guide: How to Win Big at Doggy Racetrack

This post was authored by Stan Guderski. You can contact him at [email protected]

Are you looking to win big early on in Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D ? Do you live your life a quarter mile at a time? Do you want to score yourself a valuable mask, a ton of rupees, and a piece of heart fairly easily? Well, the central component to all this centers on the Doggy Racetrack located within Romani Ranch.

Access to Romani Ranch is restricted to the final day, and can be approached via the Milk Road by way of the South Western exit of the main Termina world map. You can find the Doggy Racetrack if you visit the ranch and enter a building in the back with a sign with a dog above the door. This not-at-all-shady area is the home of the underground dog racing association, run by a woman named Mamamu Yan, and winning 150 rupees here will net you a piece of heart. If you bet on the correct dog to win.

The trouble with this is that initially Link–and by extension the player–won’t be able tell which dog is the correct choice. Do not give your rupees to the woman at the Doggy Racetrack towards the beginning of the game. Seriously, don’t do it. She will take away your hard earned rupees that you’ve no doubt acquired by mowing vast amounts of Termina’s lawn at this point in the game. Instead, follow these valuable tips that will have you rolling in the rupees and winning hearts in no time. 

Acquire the Mask of Truth

There is a way to win the doggy race rather easily. All you need is the Mask of Truth. This nifty mask allows you to–among other things–read the minds of animals. Wearing it will allow you to figure out which racer is top dog.

“Awesome!” You think, “Let’s get this mask and cheat Mamamu Yan out of a fortune of rupees.”

Not so fast, Vin Diesel. Before you can acquire the Mask of Truth you need to complete the game’s first dungeon, Woodfall Temple (here’s a handy guide if you need help with that). Once you finish that a short side dungeon will open up that you must complete in order to acquire the Mask of Truth. We’ll call this dungeon the Spider Swamp House.

In order to tackle Spider Swamp House and get your mask you’ll need some arrows, deku sticks, and a few magic beans. Arrows and can be collected from cutting grass, deku sticks are obtained by killing deku plants, and magic beans can be purchased from a deku in Southern Swamp for 10 rupees a pop.

Once you have these items you’ll want to head to Swamp Spider House. To the north of Deku Palace, where the swamp is poisoned, there is a pineapple-like building with a doorway covered in spider webs. Deku Link can access this area by skipping across the water and using lily pads along the way.

Switch to standard Link and use a deku stick on the torch nearby to burn the webbing and enter the Spider Swamp House. Inside you’ll find Skulltula-Man, cursed with the powers–and looks–of a skulltula. He will ask you to slaughter every spider in the dungeon. There are thirty in total, and each one drops a token when you’ve killed it.

Take your time moving through the rooms here. Listen for the sounds of shuffling spiders. Usually if a room is dead silent that means you’ve cleared it.

Be sure to make use of your empty jar and collect bugs from beneath rocks you find in the area. There are a few spiders hiding in what look like ant hills protruding in the walls of the dungeon, and using these tiny bugs is your only way of getting the pesky spiders to come out.

Check everywhere! Shoot down beehives, break pots, roll into boxes and the tree at the end of the dungeon. Plant your beans to make deku flowers to reach higher platforms. Once your dark work is complete and all 30 spiders are dead, return to Skultula-Man who will reward you with–the Mask of Truth!

“Swell!” You may say to yourself, “Now that I have the mask I’ll just wear it to the racetrack and figure out which dog is going to win for sure!”

And, yes, you would be partially right in your assumption. The mask will indeed give you a better idea of which of the participants to choose for Mamamu Yan’s Fast and Furious Doggy Drift. Unfortunately even while reading the minds of the cute little doggies you won’t know for certain which one of them will actually win the race. Because of this you will have to go with your gut and pick the dog with the most gumption, moxy, darring. Oftentimes the top dog in Mamama Yan’s Fast and Fur-ious is the one who sounds the most confident in their ability to win. Usually, anyway.

Time to Head to Romani Ranch and Scout the Dogs

So with the Mask of Truth in your possession you can now head over to the racetrack. These races are a little more forgiving than your usual illegal street race. Here first place will net you triple your original bet, while second gets you double. Third through fifth lets you break even. Anything less than that and it’s better luck next time, kid. You should be aiming to win at least 150 rupees here, so bring 50 rupees minimum.

You’ll need a fast dog, so place your bets with Mamamu Yan and head into the pack. You’re looking for confidence and nothing less! Usually you know you have a winner when the dogs mention one of three lines:

“I feel unstoppable!”

“There’s no way I’ll lose!”

“My paws feel lighter than air!”

However, before you pick your winner here’s a little cautionary tale: when picking your champion there is one dog you should probably avoid. This dog I have named the Family Dog. You see, while running around the race track, picking up dogs willy-nilly to hear their inner thoughts, I came across this little guy who had some stirring words concerning his chances in the race. His proclamation went like this:

“I’m here for my wife and child. There’s no way I’ll lose!”

Naturally, I chose him immediately. I ask you, who can deny this dog’s determination? He wasn’t racing for himself. He wasn’t racing because he coveted the other dog’s pink slips. He wasn’t in it for the “big score”, the glory, or any of the other petty reasons Vin Diesel may have for getting behind the wheel. No. This dog? He was doing it for his family.

Oh, how noble! He was clearly 2 Dog and 2 Furious for the competition. This was the dog now, man. Family Dog was clearly the ticket to the winnings and that piece of heart prize!

Soon the dogs lined up along the starting line and they were off. So much was riding on this race. Not just rupees, but Family Dog’s very reputation. The dogs rounded the track, Family Dog held a respectful position towards the front of the pack. It was the final lap. Those proud, heroic dogs reached the finish line and–

Family Dog lost.

There was no photo finish. Family Dog didn’t lose by a hair. There was no spectacular crash–no slow motion peel out where Family Dog is presumed dead only to turn up in Miami after the end credits. No. Family Dog came in fifth place.

Don’t Be a Cautionary Tale, Use Your Discretion and Save

Now, fifth place isn’t so bad. Should your dog come in fifth you will break even and get your rupees back. However this race became about much more than rupees, or even heart pieces. This race was about one dog’s reputation, and while the other dogs were in it for themselves, Family Dog was in it for the love of his family. A great man once said that winning is winning whether it’s by an inch or a mile. However, losing by a mile is just plain embarrassing.

You may want to save before you run into your own Family Dog situation. Luckily the game is forgiving enough to give you a wide margin with which to either break even or win big. Once you earn 150 rupees in winnings Mamamu Yan will award you with the piece of heart, all the rupees you can hold, and your self respect. Something I can’t say for Family Dog.

And so I ask you, fellow Twinfiknights, to proceed with caution when choosing your dog at the Doggy Race track. Perhaps you may be better off choosing the one boasting about his own skills, or the one who claims his paws are lighter than air. You should go with your gut instinct, but before committing to any dog keep in mind my cautionary tale and ask yourself this: How much does Family Dog really love his family?
