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Greedfall: Can You Change Character Appearance? Answered

As you’d expect from an action RPG that has a lot in common with Bioware’s games, Greedfall has a pretty robust character creation tool. However, you may not be happy with your first attempt. If you’re looking to change how you look, here’s everything you need to know about whether you can change character appearance in Greedfall.

The first thing you do when you start playing Greedfall is choose how you want your character to look. You can choose between male and female presets, and mix and match a load of options from facial hair, nose size, and head size.

Then, when you’re all done, you’re able to head out in the world to take on quests.

Whether You Can Change Character Appearance in Greedfall

As far as we can tell, being about ten hours into the game, there’s no way to change your character appearance after the initial set up.

Of course, you’ll come across clothes, armor, and other items that’ll change how your character looks, but it seems like you cannot alter things like hairstyle or general facial features.

Since Greedfall is so story focused, that makes sense, as it’ll lose some of the impact if you’re always looking a different central character, but it does mean that a lot lies on your initial choices.

We’ve not come across any barbers or anywhere like that, so you’ll have to stick to clothes when it comes to changing your character appearance.

In short,

  • There is no way to change character appearance after the initial set up beyond the clothes you wear.

  • That’s everything you need to know about whether you can change character appearance in Greedfall. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite. We have also listed some other helpful guides on the game down below.
