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Civilization VI: The Best Wonders For a Culture Victory

Cultural Victory Wonders – Civilization VI

The Cultural victory makes its return in Civilization VI. Here are the World Wonders you should focus on building if you aim to reign supreme through culture.

Chichen Itza

  • Plus two Culture and plus one production to all rain forest tiles in the city.
  • Must be built on a rain forest tile.


  • Plus one Culture and one Amenity. Also gives plus one Culture and Amenity to all cities.
  • Must be built on a flat land tile, adjacent to an Entertainment Complex district.

Cristo Redentor

  • Plus four Culture and Tourism output from Relics and Holy Cities is not diminished by other civilization who have researched the Enlightenment civic. Additionally, it doubles Tourism output of Seaside Resorts across your civilization.
  • Must be built on Hills.

Forbidden City

  • Plus five Culture Points. Also, gain a permanent Wild Card policy slot.
  • Must be built on flat land tiles, adjacent to the city center.

Great Pyramids

  • Plus two Culture Points and gives a free Builder. All Builders can build one extra improvement, as well.
  • Must be built on desert (including floodplains) tiles without hills.


  • Plus one Culture Point, plus one Faith. Additionally, Patronage of Great People costs 25% less Faith. Districts in this city provide plus two Great Person points of their type.
  • Must be built on hill tiles.

Potala Palace

  • Plus two Culture Points, plus three Faith, and plus one Diplomatic Policy slot.
  • Must be built on a Hill tile, adjacent to a Mountain tile.

Sydney Opera House

  • Plus eight Culture Points, plus five Great Musician Points per turn, and plus three Great Works of Music slots.
  • Must be built on a coast adjacent to a Harbor. Cannot be built on a lake tile.

There you have it! Focus on these and you’ll be swimming in culture. No one will be able to resist your rock music and blue jeans. For more Civilization VI help, be sure to check out our wiki for more guides and tips!
