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Binding of Isaac Rebirth: How to Find Secret Rooms

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is fun due to the simplicity of its complexity. The game seems easy at first: shoot tears at bad guys, bad guys are dismembered into gory piles of blood, move onto the next level. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth also features a hefty amount of procedural generation, lots of items to learn and explore, as well as lots of secrets that are never directly told. Today, we’re going to be teaching you how to find secrets and secret rooms in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Look For Tinted Rocks

How to Find Secrets in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

These are your godsend while traversing the caverns in Binding of Isaac’s basement. It may be hard to spot at first, since the game is littered with destructible rocks. But if you look closely at a group of rocks, you may occasionally notice the odd one out.

They’ll be slightly bluish or blackish in color (a different shade of red if you’re in The Womb), and if you look really closely, they will be marked with a very slight “X” in their indentions.

These are called Tinted Rocks, and they contain only positive items! They’ll most frequently drop Soul Hearts, and occasionally keys, but also have a chance to bombs, coins, chests, and a combination of all previously mentioned.

All it takes is one explosion to break a Tinted Rock, unless you already have the Notched Axe, Leo, or Thunder Thighs items. A quick bomb can unlock a wealth of useful items.

Look For Secret Rooms

How to Find Secrets in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

You likely have stumbled across a secret room by accident in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Maybe a random bomb or explosion went off in the right place, you were greeted with a short tune, and found yourself in an unmarked spot of the map.

These rooms almost always have items, slot machines, beggars, or a wealth of consumables to choose from. They’re great, but only if you can find them, which might seem difficult and costly since you usually must spend a bomb to open them yourself.

Fortunately there is a logic behind their placement in the procedurally generated maps throughout Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. When exploring, look for a section of the map where three rooms encircle a blank space on the map, or where four rooms encircle but leave a gap as pictured. Put your bomb on the wall you think leads to the secret room, right in the center, and with luck, the wall with break and lead you to treasure!

There are also Super Secret Rooms that litter Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. These offer much higher rewards and loot, but are much more difficult to find, as they will only be attached to one room.

If you really want to hunt down a Super Secret Room, here are the rules: They will only have one entry, and that entry will never be an special room (item, boss, shop, etc.). The entrance must also be directly accessible, meaning no rocks or obstacles where the door should be. Finally, they are usually close to the Boss Room so long as the other conditions apply.

Conserve Your Rainbow Poop!

How to Find Secrets in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

There’s lots of poop in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. You should already be busting your regular poop with the hope of finding some coin. But you may have seen the Rainbow Poop also sitting around, no doubt smelling like a field of daisies.

If you pop a Rainbow Poop, a delightful tune plays as a lovely rainbow graces the screen. And then… nothing, really. Strange. However, it turns out that more is happening than meets the eye, and you should be saving your Rainbow Poop for special occasions.

Rainbow Poop has the chance to drop your normal poop related items (coins, keys, bombs, or hearts). But more importantly, Rainbow Poop will completely restore all of your character’s heart containers!

That’s a big deal if you’re having a particularly bad time in one stage in Binding of Isaac. As such, save these poops until you’re sure you really need them. If you take some damage in one room, just return to the rainbow poop and pop it for a quick full heal.

Building Bridges

How to Find Secrets in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 

Holes in the ground in Binding of Isaac. They’re the banes of all our existences. They are all over the place, always in the least convenient spots, and usually they hide bombs and keys from us. Taunting us. Mocking us. Just like all of Isaac’s bullies. “Boo hoo, if only you could fly, kid!” they snidely comment as they laugh boisterously.

Time to teach those holes who’s boss! See those holes with rocks near them? If you want get an item trapped by a hole, blow up any nearby rocks that are directly adjascent to the hole.

This will create a rock bridge which you can then cross and claim your spoils. Take that, holes! Who is your master now?!

Donate for a Better Store

How to Find Secrets in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Often overlooked is that weird contraption that’s often found in the shop and other rooms. It wants coins. Why would anyone spend their valuable pennies and nickels on that silly machine?

Those who may have jammed a few coins in it would be equally disappointed, as nothing would have happened. Keep donating money! It’s good karma.

The Donation Machine of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is actually the tool is actually your mechanism for upgrading your shop. Once you donate pre-determined amounts, your shop will automatically upgrades with new items along with more items to buy.

Moreover, your donated money carries over between runs. This makes donating all your cash right before a fight you’re almost positive you’ll lose a good investment so all that money doesn’t go to waste.
