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Astral Chain: How to Get Clothes & Outfits

Astral Chain, the nest game from Platinum Games is full of exploration, combat, and secrets to uncover. One thing you can unlock is outfits for your character. Here’s how to get clothes & outfits in Astral Chain.

How to Get Clothes and Outfits

In order to unlock new clothes & outfits you’ll have to increase your duty rank. This happens at the end of each chapter when your score is compiled and experience towards your duty rank is tallied up. 

Everytime your duty rank increase you’ll get increased health as well as a new piece of clothing. 

You can also gain alternate colors for your character by completing orders, which are the quests in Astral Chain. Different orders may even give you full outfits after they are completed so keep an eye out. 

Orders can be found all over the world so always be sure to pick them up whenever you can. This will not only get you alternate colors, but also net you expeirence to level your duty rank faster.

So just to recap how to get clothes & outfits

  • Finish the chapter with a high score

    Finishing the chapter is when the experience will be tallied up.

  • Leveling up your duty rank

    At the end of each chapter, your experience will be tallied. Each level your duty rank increases will give you a new piece of clothing.

  • Complete orders

    Completing orders will grant you different colors and outfits for your character. Each order has a different reward so do them all.

  • Well, that’s everything you need to know about how to get clothes & outfits in Astral Chain. For more tips, tricks, and guides be sure to check out our Astral Chain Wiki guide

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