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5 Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2 (Post Game)

Upgrade Your Base

Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2

Taking on all 10 Plague Hearts in State of Decay 2 is time-consuming work, and while upgrading your home base will certainly help ensure you’re prepared for whatever the Blood Plague may throw at you, it’s definitely possible to clear the Plague Hearts without even reaching home base level 3.

If you fall into this camp, you might as well upgrade your home base to level 3. This will require you to have a survivor with Computer skills, and you’ll also need Power at your home base, too. If you don’t already have these prerequisites met, then this alone gives you something to do. Once you’ve finally upgraded your home base to the maximum level in State of Decay 2, be sure to take a look through at the facilities you have available to you, and which are most useful to your end game scavenging.

Keep Growing & Maxing Out Survivor Stats

Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2

With your home base at its max level, don’t forget that your survivors are the worker ants helping to keep things ticking over back at home. If you’ve been neglecting some of your weaker survivors in favor of using your more powerful characters, spend some time maxing them out. Not only will maxing out survivor stats make them far more powerful when out scavenging, but they’ll also unlock new facilities or abilities at your existing facilities by leveling some of them up.

Plus, who says you need to stop at having just six or seven survivors? Grow your community as large as you can make it if you’re looking for a challenge. You’ll have to factor in the additional strain on resources that they’ll bring, but who doesn’t want to be running a survivors community of 20?

Clear Infestations & Scavenge the Map

Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2

If you’re doing the former entry, then you’ll no doubt be doing this as part of it anyway. Even if you’ve got a bunch of farms churning out food and meds at your home base, you’re probably still going to want to scavenge for extra resources regardless. Plus, if you’re anything like us, you had destroyed all of State of Decay 2’s Plague Hearts before even scratching the surface of some areas of the map. Revisit them, see what they have to offer… and murder a few hundred zombies while you’re at it, too.

While you’ll need to clear infestations to keep morale in your community high, they never really have that much of an effect on how the game plays out. They do offer a bit more of a challenge than your ordinary horde of zombies, however, so they’re a neat little distraction from the grind of gathering materials should you need to switch things up a bit in State of Decay 2.

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2

Just because you’ve cleared out the Plague Hearts in State of Decay 2, doesn’t mean you’re finished with the game. It took a while for the quest to pop for us, but you’ll be informed after ridding the land of the disgusting Plague Hearts that your community’s leader wants to leave a lasting legacy on the territory.

The Legacy questline you complete essentially acts as the post game content to State of Decay 2, though it’s worth noting you can breeze through it in about an hour maximum. By completing the final mission, your community will succeed in establishing its legacy (which changes depending on who your leader is) and you’ll unlock a perk of sorts for a future community you choose to set up. Just make sure you’re 100% ready to start a new game before playing through the last mission. You won’t be able to load ’em back up once you proceed.

Start Over in a New Location

Things to Do After Beating State of Decay 2

Okay so by this, there are actually a few ways you can start over in State of Decay 2. If you’ve yet to finish the aforementioned Legacy mission for your community and you’ve exhausted all of the resources across the entire map, you can use your Command Center 2 facility (you’ll need to upgrade it once) to search for new territories to settle in. Doing this will cause icons to appear by the exits of your current territory on your map. Simply head down here and you’ll arrive in a new territory filled with new buildings to search and zombies to slay.

However, if you’re ready to part ways with your community for now, complete the Legacy mission and you’ll unlock the perk to be used in future communities. After the credits have passed, you’ll then immediately start a new community. Here, you’ll have the option to use the perk you just unlocked, as well as choose existing survivors from your last community to start this new one. It’s a new game plus mode in a sense, but only your characters and their equipped possessions come with them. Now you can check out those territories that you didn’t choose at the start of the game, and unlock more of those special legacy perks, too.

That’s all the things you should do after beating State of Decay 2’s Plague Hearts. For more on the game, be sure to check out our ever-expanding wiki.
