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15 Same-Sex Ships in Video Games that Might as Well Be Canon

Lara Croft/Sam Nishimura (Tomb Raider)

One of the newer ships on the sea has caused a bit of controversy in the Tomb Raider fandom. Mainly, there had been no evidence of Lara ever having lesbian tendencies in the previous games. With the latest installment, however, fans have had a blast connecting the gorgeous adventure heroine and the newcomer to the series, best friend Sam Nishimura. While the overall evidence for the pairing is hit or miss, we found an analysis that takes on a non-biased stance on Lara’s own feelings. It’s true that there are fans of the series that hope Lara’s love life to become a focal point, however it is nice to know that she’s developed a relationship with someone, whether it be platonic or romantic.

This post was originally written by Katrina Convey.

Link/Prince Sidon (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)

Who ships a man and a fish? We do, and so does the rest of the internet!

This pair has taken the internet by storm in recent weeks, and with good reason. Everyone has fallen in love with the fish prince, and fans have widely speculated that Link has as well (when they aren’t thirsting over him themselves). Sidon is perfect boyfriend material – charming, positive, and supportive in Link’s endeavors. If there’s anyone that believes in the hero’s potential, it’s him. Plus, what’s not to love about them? They’re both good looking males that only want to do right by one another and the rest of the world. If they have a romance on the side, hey, good for them.

Riku/Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

Have you played a Kingdom Hearts game? Then it’s likely you already know how gay these two are. There are more than a plethora of hints, nods, and evidence that point to how valid fan claims are that the two boys from Destiny Islands are more than just friends. This post bluntly breaks down Riku’s feelings towards his best friend, and though you can consider them platonic feelings, it’s heavily implied that it’s meant to be something more. Riku even inadvertently shares a paopu fruit with Sora in beginning of the first game and now their lives will forever be intertwined.

Ike/Soren (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance)

Without spoiling anything, it’s pretty clear that Ike and Soren have an emotional and quite possibly physical attraction to one another. Through choices made throughout the game, you’re even able to get a secret ending (that’s ridiculously hard to get, mind you) between the two that is more or less a love confession. (Have both the English dialogue and the Japanese translation and be your own judge.) Besides, we all know that the longer two characters have known each other, the more fodder there is for their relationship to be something more, and Ike and Soren certainly have a bit of a past.

Noctis Lucis Caelum/Prompto Argentum (Final Fantasy XV)

Why are there always a staggering amount of ships to be sailed in Square Enix games?

There is a mountain of evidence that suggests the Prince of Lucis and his high school best friend have way more chemistry and love for one another than the game canon pairing. If all of Prompto’s ass slapping and the heart-to-heart on the roof of the hotel scene aren’t enough for you, there are two different analysis that break down parts of the game that hint that their relationship goes beyond being best bros. There’s even a video that caught a clip of what is popularly believed to be an almost love confession.

Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth (PW: Ace Attorney)

They are dual prosecutors who duel in the courtroom (and everywhere else, really), searching to bring forth justice and hiding their homosexual tendencies all the while. At least, that’s what the Wrightworth fandom believes. There are countless headcanons that talk about their marriage and working together while still challenging one another. They have a healthy rivalry, so why not a healthy romantic relationship as well? There’s even some dialogue from Ace Attorney 5 that has a little bit of more than casual flirting between the two. At any rate, Wright and Edgeworth have been dancing around one another for years. It’s about time they just kissed, right?

Yukiko Amagi/Chie Satonaka (Persona 4)

Yes, they are both canonically pining over and in love with Yu, but that hasn’t stopped fans from pairing the girls together. And what’s wrong with having a little (read as: a lot) of love for your romantic rival? Chie is oddly protective of Yukiko, and there is speculation that Yukiko’s shadow referring to Chie as a “strong prince” is actually a metaphor about how Yukiko truly feels for her. Not to mention there is a scene in the game where Chie confesses that she wants to be with Yukiko, and the close proximity the two like to keep in general. Although there is a lot of fodder in the Persona fandom for all kinds of ships, there is a lot of potential for these two to have a cute relationship.

Nel/Clair (Star Ocean: Til the End of Time)

There was a lot of talk about this pair back in the good ol’ days of message board forums. Although there were many who didn’t see their relationship as anything more than close friends/sisterly, others insisted that the two were in fact lovers. Clair getting angry when learning of Adray’s plan to have her marry could be because she is already in a relationship. In Nel’s case, the game states that she prefers to be in the company of like-minded women, in which Clair definitely fits the bill. Nel even seeks Clair’s approval every time she levels up in battle.  They’re both devoted to their positions to the queen as Crimson Blades, and are always supportive of one another.

Pharah/Mercy (Overwatch)

One of the greatest things about Overwatch, outside of the gameplay, is the abundance of ships that can be sailed. Pharah and Mercy (or more commonly known in the community as Pharmercy) is one of many. Their in-game battle synchronization and shared voice lines have led shippers to believe that the two ladies have a relationship that is more than a little friendly. Geoff Goodman, one of the lead designers of Overwatch, even went as far as to say that Ana, Pharah’s mother, wouldn’t be against the relationship in an interview.

It can be argued that the ship was sunk around Christmas time with the release of the Reflections comic. However, head writer Michael Chu did confirm that Pharah isn’t on any kind of date. There is hope yet for Pharmercy to be canon!

Vanille/Fang (Final Fantasy XIII)

Yet another of Square Enix’s many ships on this list. The Vanille and Fang ship is comprised of what could be interpreted as sisterly affection (not unlike that of Lightning and Serah from the same game). However, fans have molded their relationship into something more. They constantly worry over one another, and they are clearly comfortable with touching/being touched as evident from the way Fang doesn’t hesitate to check Vanille’s mark on her upper leg. While there is always a debate about ships, this forum thread does a decent job of discussing the nature of Vanille and Fang’s relationship in a civil way by bringing in personal life experience as reference.

Though nothing was ever confirmed by Square Enix, many shippers consider the pair to be Final Fantasy’s first “confirmed” lesbian couple. (You all know it was Aerith and Tifa. Stop it.)

FemShep/Liara (Mass Effect)

Could you want more in a relationship than someone who supports you when you need a crutch? Someone who is smart and beautiful, who will always have your back? Probably, but for the sake of argument, you don’t.

It is true that you can romance Liara in-game as male or female Shepherd, and there is something fulfilling and satisfying about being able to choose a homosexual relationship. Since Mass Effect as a whole is heavily impacted by player choice, the depth of the player’s relationship with Liara can differ from someone else’s. If you did follow the steps to romance Liara, specifically in ME3, you’ll have the opportunity to get this beautiful gem.

Jacob Frye/Maxwell Roth (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate)

Gasp! Ubisoft made a canonically bi-sexual character?! Yes. (You can find the official Assassin’s Creed Tumblr response at the bottom of this post.)

There was a loud outcry against the Jacob’s sexuality in the Assassin’s Creed community. They were floored that the kiss he shared with Roth as he laid him to rest meant something more to the both of them. Sure, it was a twisted relationship, one that perhaps awakened Jacob’s bisexual tendencies, but it was there all the same. Roth’s adoration for Jacob and desire to corrupt him was ultimately his demise, but it was the same thing that pivoted Jacob in the direction he needed to go to grow as a character.

Shion Uzuki/KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)

This is one of those ships where the connection is deep, and perhaps not as lighthearted as some of the others on this list. Shion has been through a lot, but her feelings for KOS-MOS are nothing short of extraordinary. The same can be said for KOS-MOS’s “feelings.” For example, when Shion and Allen are in danger, KOS-MOS claims that Shion is calling for her, breaks out of where she is being kept, and goes to her aid. (Watch the video.)

When they part ways at the end, you can see that their relationship means something to the both of them when they clasp hands. They share a love that could have blossomed further if they had been given a fair chance.

Sorey/Mikleo (Tales of Zesteria)

Whether you see them as best friends, brothers, or something more, there is no doubt that Sorey and Mikleo have a strong relationship. Shippers and fans alike will tell you that they have the strongest bond between any two characters in the game. This video has some pretty strong evidence of a love confession (although indirectly), and Tumblr user talesofsymphoniac has compiled a master list of all kinds of evidence pointing to a relationship between Sorey and Mikleo.

Long story short, it’s easy to see where the ship came from and how it was built. The two definitely have chemistry, and there is more than enough support to make it canon.

Chloe Price/Max Caufield (Life is Strange)

From best friends, to distant strangers, back to best friends, Max has bent time and space to be with Chloe and make her happy. From initially finding out she can rewind time, to the very end of the game (spoilers here), Max always has Chloe’s best interests at heart. Chloe takes a while to warm up to Max again after not hearing from her for years, and she’s still coping with Rachel’s disappearance, but her character arc comes full circle, and so does their relationship. Whether you choose to pursue Chloe romantically is up to the player, but as someone who has done both routes, they are equally filled with adorable and heart wrenching moments that test their bond to the max. It’s one of those ships that you didn’t mean to set sail on until you were already invested.
