
Avengers Game: How to Beat MODOK Final Boss Battle

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MODOK is your final boss in the Avengers Game, and you’ll need to take control of each of the superheroes in your squad if you’re going to take it down once and for all. In this guide, we’ll talk you through how to beat MODOK final boss in the Avengers Game, step by step for your convenience. MODOK Boss Battle Guide in Marvel’s Avengers Stage 1 – Iron Man The first stage of the MODOK boss battle will see you take control of Iron Man. Read More...

Bungie Details Destiny 2’s 2021 Solstice of Heroes Event; Stasis Doesn’t Appear to Be Invited

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Bungie has revealed its plan for this year’s Solstice of Heroes, an event designed around celebrating the year’s achievements. Think of it as a victory lap to celebrate another year of whooping on everyone else in the solar system. This year, of course, Guardians are letting the victory over Quria wash over them. The event appears very similar to previous year’s versions. You’ll run through the European Aerial Zone, complete subclass-themed bounties, and be rewarded armor that can glow according to your subclass. Read More...

Pokemon Quest: How to Learn Moves

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How to Learn Moves in Pokemon Quest Pokemon Quest is a more streamlined take on the role-playing series, going for simpler battles rather than turn-based combat. However, Pokemon still use moves to attack enemies, and depending on what you have equipped, these can either be used offensive or defensively. When it comes to learning new moves, things play out a bit differently in this game. First off, you’ll need to use the Move Learning Training feature located in the “Edit Teams” menu. Read More...